Celebrating AHSA’s Golden Anniversary-Towards an African Renaissance: Africa and Diaspora Collaborations


The African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) was founded in 1969 as association of scholars of African descent, dedicated to the exploration, preservation, and academic presentation of the heritage of African people on the ancestral soil of Africa and in the diaspora. For more than four decades it has been the major challenger of the Eurocentric view of Africa and African Studies and a leader of the struggle to ignite an African Renaissance. 


 Supporting exploration, education, and preservation.

AHSA Global Initiatives


AHSA “Connecting to our Source” teach-in August 17, 2020. Click here to watch the video recording. Use password BMU^vMV2 to access.

AHSA teach-in

VP Afia Zakiya leads us in water projects in Ghana and access and affordability of water in the US!

VP Afia Zakiya leads us in water projects in Ghana and access and affordability of water in the US!

Global water projects

AHSA board member Kalenda Eaton, professor of African and African American Studies at the University of Oklahoma, discussed the history of the 1921 Tulsa massacre that led to the killing of hundreds of African Americans.

AHSA board member, Kalenda Eaton on C-SPAN discussing the History of the 1921 Tulsa Massacre

ASA Restoration of the tomb of Karakhamun, 25th dynasty on West Bank. "Africa's last walk in the sun," John H. Clarke

ASA Restoration of the tomb of Karakhamun, 25th dynasty on West Bank. "Africa's last walk in the sun," John H. Clarke

Restoration of the tomb of Karakhamun